Friday, May 22, 2020

Quarantine Photography March, 2020 No. 3



Virginia Bluebells and Spring Beauty

Squaw Run Downstream

Squaw Run Upstream


Early Trillium

       My last March quarantine photography post.  My first trip outside during quarantine was to the Trillium Trail late in the month.  My first encounter was with a first time visitor to the Trail.  She was a city dweller and had been running around to many outside habitats on this sunny Sunday!  I introduced her to the history of the area and to several wildflowers.  The other visitors I encountered there and I respected social distancing with smiles and muddy shoes ..... :)

       Other positive things I've done since quarantine:

I've burned favorite candles.

I have left out all of the Valentines, birthday and other loving cards
 we've received recently in commonly occupied rooms. 

I've kept Jim's cork board full of pictures of those two cute boys who used to fill our home with lots of whoops and hilarity!
Memories are fun .....

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