Pretty, Grassy Thing
Maple Goddess
Looking Up
May, 2016 is almost over as I write this. I have lots to do in the yard, but have been focused on the wonderful photography exhibition opportunities I have been given.
Ongoing until Friday, May 27th
Exposures: A Photo Montage by Ruthanne Bauerle
Chromos Eyewear, 5166 Butler Street, Lawrenceville
Curated by Carolyn Pierotti, Purple Room Fine Art
Wash Hands
Arts and Crafts in the Library
Flavors of our Community
Ruthanne F. Bauerle, Photographer
Cooper-Siegel Library
And, coming up in July, 2016,
Haunted by Dolls and Other Works
Pittsburgh Filmmakers
Check out indian style picture for Best candid photographers in delhi