Saturday, December 23, 2017

Photograph of the Week


Oops!  I missed last week, but here is Santas! I have accumulated so many lovely ornaments during my Christmas seasons and enjoy each one.  A little trim here and there and it would make a great Christmas card .....

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Photograph of the Week

Cloud Edges

I love photographing clouds, especially when they offer a wonderful contrast to a silhouetted piney foreground.  At the cabin, we get the fun reflection of the sunset on clouds to our east.  This is an example of that.  

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Photograph of the Week

Coming to a Window Near You

From what I have seen on Facebook and outside my study window, we have had a calm weather Thanksgiving weekend.  May it continue as family members depart  BIG SIGH - Matt and Kelly and start off the new week.

La Nina will supposedly lead the way for a calmer winter in Pittsburgh, but you never know.

Love to hear from you and let me know if you want to take a walk!!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Photograph of the Week

Birdbath Tree Reflection 

Aww, mid November!  An odd time to start a series, but the above is my first Picture of the Week.  I have been remiss in posting on my blog this year.  Perhaps this will be a successful new beginning.

Always seeking suggestions, comments and assignments.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Photography and Faith Part III

O For a Closer Walk With God, a hymn from the Episcopal hymnal, had me again reflecting on photography and faith.  Written by William Cowper (1731 - 1800) with music from Caithness, 1635 and The English Hymnal,1906, it had me visualizing a post immediately.

"O for a closer walk with God, a calm and
 heavenly frame, a light to shine upon the
 road that leads me to the Lamb!"    

"Return, O holy Dove, return,
 sweet messenger of rest; I hate
 the sins that made thee mourn, and
drove thee from my breast."  

"So shall my walk be close
 with God, calm and serene my
 frame; so purer light shall mark
 the road that leads me to the lamb."