Friday, October 3, 2014

Exhibitions in October, 2014

There's lots of great art out there, Pittsburgh!  Here are three exhibits I am pleased to be part of.

Bathroom Sink


Stove With a Smirk

Opening reception tonight!
7:00 to 10:00 pm
Pittsburgh by Pittsburgh Artists IV

Irma Freeman Center for Imagination
5006 Penn Avenue (15224)

Until December 5!!


Associated Artists of Pittsburgh:
A Group Art Exhibition

FrameHouse Gallery
100 43rd Street, Lawrenceville
Hours: M,W,Th and F  11-7
T and Sa 11-4

Until October 18!!


Black Chair

Pittsburgh Society of Artists:
49th Annual
October 4 - 28
Opening Reception October 11, 6-8:30 pm

Panza Gallery
115 Sedgwick Street, Millvale
Hours: W,Th and F 10-5
Sat 10-3

Call me if you wish to have an outing to one of these exhibits.